Monday, April 29, 2013

Haskell Close Encounters (of the TUI and GUI kinds)

Most actual functional programs I've ever written have been 'engine' like things, not having any IO for attended operation per se.  That includes utilities and small apps that just use the command line for processing data and outputting results to the console or files.

Due to some prospective new projects, I have been wondering what sort of UI libraries might exist for Haskell and what the experience of writing UIs natively in Haskell might be.

My all-time favourite GUI framework is Apple's Cocoa environment.  I find this to be extremely powerful and (normally) easy to use.  Certainly, it is mature, with a strong/clean design.   It's also convenient and fast.  Unfortunately it is to all intents and purposes Mac only and there's no up-to-date, well maintained Haskell binding (I've found hoc, but that appears to be abandoned).  Although I don't spend any time in the Windows world any more, the situation there seems to be pretty fluid - but in any case the main UI frameworks there are again 'proprietary' and platform-specific.

Now, I can see value in two types of UI for various kinds of program I write:
  1. For simple applications and utilities, a pseudo-graphical terminal UI in the style of Midnight Commander can be very effective.  Moreover, these TUIs are potentially cross-platform and are very light-weight for use across networks.  While these TUIs aren't exactly common these days (I suppose they hearken too much back to DOS!), they are practically zero-client!  
  2. For more sophisticated applications, and of course where actual audio-visual media must be presented or edited, then a full GUI is required.
As I'm interested in both of these types of UI, I have taken to exploring the options of doing each with Haskell.  There are also web UIs of course, and Haskell does seem to have several very good frameworks for developing these (Yesod and Snap come to mind).  

TUI libraries in Haskell

I'm surprised we don't see more utilities and 'technical' apps provided with this first kind of UI.  I suspect this may be partly to do with the relative cost of creating TUIs with commonly available libraries, though it's probably also true that the set of apps that are appropriate for such treatment are a limited set and most people just reach for the GUI toolkits come what may.

If you have spent any time around Unix, then you'll know that there's a family of C libraries known as "curses" libraries available for building apps that do textual 'drawing' in a terminal/console.  These libraries have had a long history.  The latest variant is "ncurses" (new curses), which is has been available for years on unix-style systems, including Linux.  

Because this library is so well known, my first search for a TUI library involved looking through the hackage database for curses bindings for Haskell.  There are no fewer than 4 different libraries for accessing ncurses from Haskell.   The two that seemed to offer good coverage of the C library and that were relatively recently maintained were:
The first of these, hscurses, appears to be the most complete of these two.  It has a bindings for the C functions in ncurses and a few extra modules providing utilities, including a module defining a "widget" abstraction on top of the basic curses functionality.  

Experimenting with hscurses is pretty straightforward, though you can see how quickly application code gets complicated due to the relatively low-level nature of addressing a cursor around the screen.  Terminal resizing is supported, but if you want any persistent content, this must be stored and redrawn when ncurses is effectively restarted with a new terminal size.  One strange thing about the library is that it appears to miss a key binding to the function that sets the 'background' of a window (the name of a simple area of the screen configured in curses).  It's interesting to note that the widget module does not use windows at all, but rather draws directly on the top level screen 'window'.

The ncurses library makes a claim to providing a much more convenient programming interface.  This isn't a simple one-to-one mapping of the C interface to Haskell functions, and the few code samples to illustrate the difference look compelling enough.  Unfortunately, the library doesn't seem to work properly on the Mac (maybe elsewhere?) for its colour features, because the maximum number of colours reported for the terminal is "-1".  Perhaps this is not supposed to be a signed value, but in any case the library refuses to allow colour configuration because it expects this value to be a positive value greater than zero if colour configuration is allowed.   ncurses also has support for "panels", which allow 'overlapping' windows of the sort needed to implement menus, forms and dialogs.  That would be a great addition on top of the working basic functionality. 

In the final analysis then, both of these libraries have issues, albeit probably quite easily fixable.  Both are also quite low level and even some simple experimentation reveals how much housekeeping and legwork is required to achieve a reasonable effect.  

However, there's at least one more option.  On the Haskell IRC channel, the "vty-ui" library was suggested to me as a possibility.  This is a library that is designed to provide a much higher-level API for creating Text User Interfaces.  Written by Jonathan Daugherty at Galois, the library appears to be actively maintained and has excellent documentation - something of a rarity.

In chatting with Jonathan, it's apparent that the vty-ui library currently does not support overlapping widgets of the sort made possible with 'panels', but rather just a flat tiling of widgets like the basic ncurses functionality.  Nevertheless, vty-ui is the library that I'm exploring for use making TUIs.

GUI libraries in Haskell

The choice of Haskell GUI library looks like a minefield.  There are many offerings for writing GUIs in Haskell, but broadly speaking the options fall into two camps:
  • Fairly direct bindings to established GUI toolkits
  • More idiomatic 'functional' approaches for configuring GUIs and the events that flow between elements and application logic
The latter category was the one that piqued my initial curiosity.  After all, when you're in a programming environment with a strong flavour like Haskell, it seems reasonable to use the most natural methods to express things.   Of course, whether the most elegant functional stylings are necessary the most 'natural' begs the question "Natural for whom?".  Nevertheless, I investigated which high-level GUI libraries existed with a view to figuring out which are the most established and popular. With GUI programming being so ubiquitous, I was expecting a clear leader or two.

These high-level languages are typically based on the concept of "Functional Reactive Programming" (FRP).  In a nutshell, this works by 'wiring' up event streams between producers and consumers.  The libraries I looked at all used the very general compositional power of "arrows".  

Sadly however, I could not find a single high-level GUI library that was established and well maintained.  These libraries appear to have quite short shelf lives.  Many seem to begin as research exercises, manifesting ideas enunciated in academic papers.  They have a burst of attention and updates, but then get abandoned.  Probably, this abandonment is due to a combination of factors: novelty/learning-curve, limited functionality and general lack of uptake in the developer community.  

If there's no good choice for a high-level GUI library yet, then what about the lower-level Haskell wrappers for the GUI toolkits?  The two currently active such libraries are:
Out of these two, wxHaskell comes from a motivation to provide a full cross-platform GUI abstraction. Consequently, it is rumoured to work well on Windows.  Conversely, gtk is very mature and hugely popular, but it comes from the Unix/X11 world, so support for Linux will be very strong, followed by Mac OS X, with Windows likely to be a distant third.  

The last updates of these two packages were recent...ish, with wx having been updated May 2012 and gtk in Nov 2013.  While such dates aren't particularly significant, it might suggest that more people are interested in the gtk binding.  Certainly, the Haskell GUI apps that I have used (Leksah, threadscope) and several examples posted on YouTube are using gtk.

So, my limited survey of GUI toolkits seems to conclude that gtk2hs is currently the best option.  
I have consequently begun to play with gtk2hs on the Mac, along with the glade-3 GUI builder tool for creating loadable XML UI descriptions.  

One wrinkle with gtk on the Mac, is that the standard gtk 'back end' uses X11 as the underlying graphics stack.   While X11 apps are quite nicely supported under Mac OS X via the XQuartz app, nevertheless apps running under X11 still seem a little 'foreign' as they take longer to start up if X11 isn't already running and have other look and feel details that don't seem quite right.  There is however a Quartz backend for gtk that aims to solve most of these issues.  This appears to have to be linked with individual apps, so I'll have to figure this out some time.  In the meantime running under X11 works just fine. 

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